Colloquium On Text & Data Mining in Libraries 2023
The Colloquium on Text & Data Mining (TDM) in Libraries was successfully held May 2-3, 2023 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
This Colloquium provided a North American forum for librarians and others working within libraries to discuss TDM as a growth area in academia, and how libraries can help to support this work moving forward. There were presentations from librarians, researchers, and vendors involved in TDM, along with opportunities to discuss ideas, challenges, opportunities, and build community.
If you missed the event, but are interested in this topic, you can join the discussions on supporting TDM in libraries that will continue on a new listserv we launched at the conclusion of the event.
This Colloquium will provide a North American forum for librarians and others working within libraries to discuss TDM as a growth area in academia, and how libraries can help to support this work moving forward. There will be presentations from librarians, researchers, and vendors involved in TDM, along with opportunities to discuss ideas, challenges, opportunities, and build community. This is a free event, and there are some opportunities for travel funding for those in need.
To subscribe, send a message with no subject line to In the body of the message, write "subscribe TDMLIBRARIES-L firstname lastname", but substitute your given name for firstname and your surname for lastname in the message. Omit any quote marks. Hope to see you on the list!
TDM 2023 Team
University of Toronto
The Organizing Committee
Kara Handren (co-chair), University of Toronto
Kelly Schultz (co-chair), University of Toronto
Leslie Barnes, University of Toronto
Nick Field, University of Toronto
Marcel Fortin, University of Toronto
Nadia Muhe, University of Toronto
Dany Savard, University of Toronto Mississauga
Kirsta Stapelfeldt, University of Toronto Scarborough
Mark Leighton, Leon Jones and Antonio Mendonca from the InfoCommons Team for helping with our technical setup
Anton Strachan for helping with preparations and greetings at the front desk